
Data about the world is a funny thing. You can capture it in a hundred different ways, none of which is quite right. We do our best to forcefully map our never ending 4 dimensional time and space universe into low resolution, low fidelity models. This is a fools errand and a pointless task. One that I will soon undertake myself. Objects in our world are related in time and space. »


In the last post, I introduced the idea of using a small, standard interface language to provide a couple of benefits. Make the problem into a machine translation problem which is well studied. Provide the benefit of explainable AI with a human readable intermediary step. So let’s dig into this a LIL bit. The last time I designed something like this I basically tried to think of a bunch of sentences that I wanted to be able to use and then reversed out a grammar and syntax from that. »


Well that didn’t take long. In my introduction posts I made the quip about trying to shoehorn in some deep learning to the project. Turns out I didn’t have to try too hard and it may actually be a good idea. As part of my literature review (a very important step I neglected last time) I came across a newly released paper from the Google Research team BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding. »


Hello fellow Internet strangers. This is an introduction to me as much as an introduction to this blog. I’m an anonymous hacker who really likes Python. I like the language, I like the community, I like Python. I use Python both professionally and as a hobby and have been doing so for about 10 years. I don’t blog, at least, I didn’t. This is my attempt to rectify that. I don’t have a compelling reason as to why it needs to be rectified but I’m starting a new project and needed a place to document that so… blogging? »